
Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia, UAE and Oman compete in Arab Golf Championship
25 Sep 2019

Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia, UAE and Oman compete in Arab Golf Championship


The Pan Arab Championship for Juniors & Women and Golf currently held at the Dreamland Golf Course is witnessing fierce competition between five countries to win the titles under-13, 15 and 18 years and women.

Moroccos Atlantic Lions team topped the junior U-13, 15, 18-year-old and third in the women s stage, while the Carthage Eagles of Tunisia lead the women s and under-18 races.

After the first round of the tournament, Egypt, who finished second under the age of 18 in the team consisting of Adam al-Shami, Hassan Ezzedin Nino, Youssef Amr, third under 13 Timur Rabi and Rani Tawil, Ali Salama and 15 years old Mohamed Abou El Ela, Ismail Abou El Atta and Bilal Karima. And fourth in women s competitions.

While the UAE team came second in the women s competitions and 13 years and the fourth under 15 and 18 years.

The Omani team came second under 15 and fourth under 13.


For more....مصر-والمغرب-وتونس-والإمارات-وعمان--يتنافسون-بالبطولة-العربية-للجولف

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